Grantsville Community Museum

 The Grantsville Community Museum opened in the spring of 2006 in the former Ruth Enlow Library building. The Museum joined the Garrett County Historical Society, which offered to help the Museum get started and to share artifacts.

The Grantsville Community Museum is located at 153 Main Street in the center of Grantsville and is now open on Fridays and Saturdays from May to October from 1 to 4 PM. Visitors can request information or special tours of the Museum by calling Gerry Beachy at 301-707-7200 or Lynn Patton at 301-616-6126. The Museum phone number in 301-895-5454.

The mission of our museum is to preserve the stunning photographic legacy of Leo Beachy, a poet and photographer recording local history from 1905-1927.

The goal of the museum is to tell the compelling story of Grantsville and Western Maryland through our collection of photographs and artifacts donated by the community. Please consider a donation of artifacts of local interest to our museum.

The First State Bank was formerly housed in the museum building and artifacts from the bank are on display in the former bank safe. Braddock’s Trail ran near Grantsville and artifacts from the trail are also on display. The Museum also has a display of artifacts and information about the B-52 Bomber crash near Grantsville on January 13, 1964.

Visit Us

153 Main Street, P.O. Box 413
Grantsville, Maryland 21536

Contact Us
Phone: 301-895-5454

From the east or west take Exit 19 on Interstate 68 to Grantsville. Turn right at Main Street and the museum is 2 blocks on the left. From the north take Rt. 219 south to Rt. 40. Turn right and go 3 miles to the center of Grantsville; the museum is on the right.